Monday 11 February 2013

Plight of a confused heart

His hands were fidgety, toying with the pen, turning it about the fingers as if it were a snake slithering around the bars of its enclosure..
His eyes possessed a vacant stare, unblinking, staring up at the ceiling, which was ignominiously teeming with cobwebs and a plethora of spiders crawling around, inverted, hunting in their traps with disdain, mating, fighting with a rather ogrish lizards as regards the ownership of a dead fly. But he was oblivious to such actualities, and seemed to be staring into the infinite, which supposedly held answers for him..
She had a subliminal effect on him, and he had known this for a fact that when in her presence, she seemed to exercise complete control over him. He felt powerless, overwhelmed by her presence. Rather, so as to speak, she owned him. His body melted. His heard capitulated. He, who had been alien to the aura of love, now found himself engulfed and gasping in its overpowering presence. He had no idea when he took a fancy for her. He never knew how to swim, but was still insistent on nose-diving into the deep waters, his covetous heart yearning for hers.
True, they had been friends for a pretty long time now. But it was only recently that he had come to terms with the fact that she meant much more to him, had established herself in an inextricable part of his heart. The nagging, persisting thought of the girl in the back of his mind..
He couldn’t entangle himself from its clutches, his brain showed symptoms of imploding..
Besotted, and almost always preoccupied in her thoughts, he had grown indifferent to the reality. Reality which contained in itself the probability that she might not reciprocate, that she never thought of him as anything more than a run-of-the-mill friend, that she fancied someone else..
Acknowledging these possibilities made his heart cringe..
His gaze had now dropped down to his right foot, with its intricate pattern of veins mapping out throughout in a leaf-like pattern, as if symbolising her presence in his life..
His bottom slid down the chair, and the rickety piece of wood creaked under the unexpected shift in mass, and he was thrown into his actual surroundings.
If only he could have an insight into her heart..

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