Thursday 7 February 2013

In the name of honor

Social diktats, religious fatwas or any such instruction for that matter that attempt to curb an individual’s natural right to life, should not have any place in a country like ours that brags about being the largest democracy in the world. But as is the case with many other malaises afflicting our nation, these not only make their present felt but affect us in ways unacceptable.
The system of Khaps is a perfect illustration of how deeply ingrained such malaises are in the realm of our everyday life. Boasting about social acceptance and reeking of a perverted mentality, a bunch of old patriarchally  inclined fools gather to ponder on ‘Moral Issues’ and issue dictatorial ordinances. This completely negates the essence of a democratic setup. As if their unconstitutional existence alone is not sufficient, they also mandate social boycott of those who refuse to toe their line.
Why in the name of Lord can two consenting adults not marry? As per the law, any two consenting adults can marry each other. But, in the name of protecting their clans from getting polluted and upholding their so called honour, people deciding to marry of their own volition are treated as castoffs, driven away or simply murdered in cold blood, their bodies badly mutilated and heads twisted at impossible angles.  Often, the positions that the Khap members take tend to border on the ridiculous. Somehow, Chow mein  is responsible for the spurt in the number of rape cases across the country. Or, that mobile phones are responsible for the increase in social contact between men and women, and by banning the use of mobile phones by women will somehow miraculously help in reducing the cases of rape. Might as well seize the phones of men in such a scenario, for there will be no one to talk to.
Similar is the saga of religious clerics and grand muftis issuing fatwas against seemingly innocuous activities, like a group of girls who decide to form their own band. Reason: Their religion does not permit such activities. Even outrageous is the fact that a section of the public, who took offence to the girls’ musical faculties, started hurling abuses at them and issuing threats flagrantly on various social media. The unabashed way in which the perpetrators go about their business provides a more than obvious insight into the basis of their assumed impunity: cordial relations with the powers-that-be. And sometimes, a political nincompoop with an archaic mind set comes out to validate such balderdash- apparently, rapes have got more to do with the length of a skirt than the lust of a lurking monster, and hence such ‘inappropriate clothing’ should be done away with.
Liberty is an insurmountable requisite for life, and no one should have the authority to overrule this fundamental tenet. For liberty is not a right that can be denied, it is a way of life.

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